Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Good Things Come This Way

Great things are happening here in the studio. New colorways, sock yarns are heading to Knit Wit in Portland (Maine) this week, plans for new equipment is coming into view, and a shipment of sample rovings just went to Phat Fiber for their July monthly box. Busy busy here! The beautiful sunshine this week has been lovely for drying yarn outside. 

I feel so fortunate to have so many things happening in such a positive way right now. Growing up I always had different interests, different hobbies etc... But never until a few years ago did I understand what having a passion is. I literally hop out of bed in the morning before everyone is up and go into my studio and start working. I find such joy in finding new colorways, mixing colors, experimenting with different yarn weights. I love it when someone sends me an email or steps into my booth when I'm at a show and comments how lovely my colors are. This path I've taken brings me such joy and I love forwarding that joy on to others when they create a beautiful piece from my yarns, rovings and silks. 

Please don't forget you can find me on Instagram (thekiwipopstudio), Twitter (@KiwipopStudio), Facebook (, and Pinterest (The Kiwipop Studio). 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's Been A While!

Well ... this post has been a long time coming. I can't believe it's been since the end of November since I blogged last. *shakes head*

Updates ... I have BIG goals for this year with the business. There are shows scheduled, a new website up, new colorways being dyed. LOTS going on. 

Shows this year include The Maine Fiber Frolic, Fiber College, The Common Ground Fair and a couple of more that I'm waiting to hear from and some that sign ups haven't happened yet. 

The Kiwipop Studio was at Doc's Cafe in Cumberland, Maine on May 3rd at the Artisan in Bloom show. It was a super successful day and I got to talk to SO many people who are interested in spinning, have a true love of fiber, knitting and fiber arts. It's such a wonderful group of people who share this passion with me. I also got to unveil my new booth design for the year. It was a test run for my bigger shows. Tweeks have been made, additions have been purchased ... my little mobile shop. It feels like home.

I'm sitting at my kitchen island with a PILE of hand painted roving to my left and stickers, tags, calculator and pens to the right ... it was a busy night last night tagging everything and adding it into my computer so I can check everyone out easily at The Maine Fiber Frolic June 7 & 8th. If you haven't been to this event - you really should attend. It's super fun, creativly inspiring, animals hanging out, some yummy food and some of the most beautiful yarn and fiber you've ever seen. 

I have had TONS of fun coming up with new colorways these past few months. Picking colors out can be a challenge sometimes as one can be drawn to their own likes and sometimes sticks to a comfort zone. I've been doing a lot of browsing online, consulting my color combo book and reaching outside my zone to create the most joyous colorways. I really believe that I have a little something for everyone this year. Lights, darks, saturated, pastel, naturals and brights. 

There aren't many people in this world who truely love what they do everyday. I'm one of the lucky ones. It's hard to explain to someone that I get to fall in love over and over each day when I am handpainting roving or spinning up some yarn. I really have a hard time selling some of my stuff because I love it so much! I have never honestly loved doing something day in and day out (except being a Mom - and we ALL know how much of a job that can be!) but, I really love what I do. 

I'm hoping to grow this business into having our own sheep and having the full circle of Sheep to Yarn happen right here in my backyard and studio. I believe we need to get back to the basics and learn where and how wool is processed and how clothing is made. There is a huge appreciation for handmade items - and I would hate to see this wonderful art disappear with everyone buying online. You miss the animal/human connection, the art of something, the honor of giving a gift made with your hands. My little part in this world is to continue the story of this art, to pass it on and to invoke enthusiasm in others. 

I hope to see you at one of the shows I'll be at soon. Please feel free to send along any quesitons or requests.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Best Part About Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday. I love it. Beyond love it. All the cooking, the yummy smells, the different flavors, all the love that goes into that meal, football on in the background, my parents coming to our home that I'm proud of ... I love cutting veggies up and from the kitchen looking into the living room and seeing the Macy's Day Parade on the tv ... The wood stove chugging away ... I love it. And what do I love just about as much? Leftovers. 

I'm the queen of a Thanksgiving panini. No joke ... this thing is huge and envokes snickers from my family when they watch me put it together. Let me take you on the journey to the best sandwich ever. 

The ingredients ... 
Dark meat from your Turkey Day Bird
Brie Cheese
Fresh Cranberry Sauce
Cornbread Stuffing
Smidge of Gravy
Butternut Squash
French's French Fried Onions

Now, there's a VERY specific order to the assembly process, and for good reason on every layer. Follow along ... 

First, preheat your panini press. Next, you need to lay out your bread and cut three or four slices of brie cheese. Place a single layer of brie on one slice of bread. On top of the brie you need to add the dark turkey meat. (I prefer the dark to light because of the taste and texture.) On top of the turkey I add a thin layer of cranberry sauce topped with the French Fried Onions. (It's all about crunch and sweet vs. salty) 

Next I add a bit of stuffing. You're probably at the point of stuff falling off the bread - just do your best to contain it and gobble up what falls off. 

I do ladle on a little gravy next. Not too much - you don't want it soggy. Just enough to wet the stuffing a bit. 

On the other piece of bread I spread butternut squash and put that piece on top of everything else. 

My sandwich is generally 2.5 - 3" thick by now. (Hence the family laughing at me) I then add a little bit of butter on the bread and toss it onto the hot panini press and cook it until the bread is ever so slightly crunchy.

Oh my ... It is so darn good. Make sure you cut it in half so it's able to be held without it falling apart. It's the best thing next to a nice day being lazy and eating the traditional turkey dinner. Now ... about that apple pie ...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Redesign is Complete!

I'm someone who works well with deadlines. You've seen the comics on Facebook that say "I get more cleaned in the 10 minutes before guests arrive then I do all week"? Yup - that's me. SO, as seen in a previous post my studio had become a blackhole of sorts. Kind of the dumping ground of the house. Not sure where to put something? Open the studio door and heave it in there, and then close the door fast! 

So, last Friday at 10:15am I decided to empty the room. Fast. I got it done in less then two hours. (By the way, my kitchen, dining room and living room looked fantastic after doing this! *insert sarcasm here*) I stood in the empty space, decided what I needed, wanted and what would be nice to have. I talked to a few people who had excellent suggestions for me and I slowly started to put it back together. Piece by piece ... It came together. On Sunday afternoon I suddenly delared, "It's done!" I had finished. It has everything I need, is organized, has space for all my work and is an inviting area to just be creative in. I'm in love. And so is the family. We seem to congregate in this space of mine. Often. Homework seems to be done in here, we had a birthday breakfast in here ... It's wonderful to have visitors in my space - but I think I need to stake my claim on my own room here. I'm thrilled they all love it ... but make an appointment please! *giggle* 

So, here are some photos and explanations ...

This is my "spinning corner". I love this chair. It needs to be recovered, but it's super comfy and fits perfectly for spinning on my wheel. You can just barely see some white shelves on the left ... One is empty so I can put the iPad there and watch some Netflix while I spin, if I choose. I have a great magnet board that my best friend made for me a few Christmas's ago. She also made the magnets! There are some photos of family and beautiful sunlight right over my shoulder. The studio is southern facing ... so light POURS into my space. It's wonderful.

This is the "family" craft shelves. We have games, art supplies and on top a nicely organized container for wrapping paper, bows etc... 

A little cubby area for finished items and storage for office supplies. My poster came from my Grandmother who picked it up in Italy. Reminds me of my trip I took when I was in high school. 

These shelves are for spinning supplies, fiber, equiptment and projects in process. (And space to spare! Which I'm sure will be filled all too soon.)

Here is my work table in the middle of my studio. It's perfect for computer work, mixing fibers etc... On the far end I have my swift and ball winder attached to the table. My drum carder also hooks onto the table nicely. I have a photography area (still in progress!) on the right and against the window is my shipping table with supplies stored underneath. 

I'm really fortunate to be able to have a wall of windows that I can sit next to in my spinning chair and to look at when I'm at my work table. The space is filled with sunlight and warmth and love. My family visits me, plunks down in a chair or on the floor and we get to chat, share and create together. There's a lot of creativity going on in this space of mine ... How lucky I am.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Putting the Pieces Back Together

Phew! It's been a long day, and I'm now in the middle of putting the whole studio back together. I have a few of the "major" pieces in place. I decided to put my work table in the middle of the room. It's long enough - but not so large it takes over the room. That way I can work on all sides. I'm now going through everything and piecing things back onto the shelves etc ... Here's where it stands now. 

This will be my spinning corner. (My wheel isn't in place yet)

My sewing machine. I'm not someone who sews a ton - so a stand-up station is fine. And this might turn into my packing/shipping table and tuck the sewing machine away when it's not in use. I'll have to figure it out as I go along. 

These two pieces will hold finished work. I love the cubbies and there is a large bin on the bottom to hold fibers. The little chest of drawers will hold supplies. 

And my work table in the middle of the room. It's going to be a long, long night .... Wish me luck!

It's Empty!

The studio is empty. Except for a few pieces of furniture that I know are staying in here ... she's empty. It echos. I left a nice little note on the front door of the house for my daughter ...

She walked into the house and stopped about 18" inside the door and gave me a, "Heeelloooo?" That's how much stuff was in the studio and now sits (temporarily!) in the kitchen, dining room and hallway. Remember, I have family members who will be here in the morning. So, now to do a fast meaningful cleaning to the space. Wait ... I blocked the vacuum cleaner in. It's in our Harry Potter closet with a small dresser in front of it. Hmmm.... I'll get back to that one. SO, before I clean, here is the space I have to work with. 

Off to the cleaning ... and then putting it all back together. I'm psyched. Please let me know of any suggestions you might have for the space. OH - here's a list of things I need/want for the space. 

Needs -
Small Desk Space for Blogging
Work Space for Drum Carder, Mixing Fibers
Shipping Space
Tagging Station
Storage for Fibers
Space for Business Supplies
File Space
Inspiration Board
Photography Area
Spinning Space
Family Art Supplies

Wants - 
Newly Painted
New Lights
Change Carpet to Tile at Outside Door

First Hour Done

I'm almost done emptying the studio. Found a book on keeping organized - ironic. Also found a little love note I wrote to Chuck when we bought this house a year and a half ago. One hour on the timer and I'm super impressed with how much I got done. 10 minute break and then I'll set the timer for half an hour longer and see if I can get it finished up. And the baby is still sleeping! Hazzah!